The 5 Top Things That Put You at Risk for Oral Cancer
More than 50,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer and cancers of the throat, tonsils and back of the tongue each year, with approximately 10,000 people unfortunately dying due to this illness. Oral cancer occurs when cells within the mouth develop mutations in their DNA. As the mutated cells accumulate, a tumor forms and can spread to other parts of the body. Though these...Read More
A Gamechanger in the Fight Against Gum Disease Could Be on the Way
Gum disease is one of the most widespread problems. Most adults suffer from gum disease at some point, with many experiencing the condition more than once. All gum disease is caused by plaque, a bacterial film that forms on the teeth. The first sign of gum disease is blood on your toothbrush or in your spit while cleaning your teeth. The gums may also bleed when you eat, which can...Read More
All The Right Friends: MRTA Has Your Back
Did you know there’s a group of people with a similar background to you who are eager to have you join them (if you haven’t already)? When you join MRTA, you join a group of peers who are looking forward as much as you are to enjoying events together. Whether you’re an active worker or retired, whether your membership has lapsed or you’re considering joining...Read More
A Revolution You Can Hear: Amazing Innovations in Hearing Aids
Kelly used to think having to wear her hearing aid was a nuisance. For starters, she was always frustrated with the sound quality and she never liked the way the device looked in her ear. “To be honest, I always felt self-conscious wearing my hearing aid. I always felt other people would saw it, and think, ‘She’s hard of hearing’.” Kelly was always the first...Read More