MRTA Annual Meeting Cancelled
The COVID Pandemic has forced us to make changes to keep fighting to protect your pension, even if we cannot get together in person. The health and safety of our members is the first concern of MRTA. We are aware our members are the most susceptible to the virus and we cannot put our members at risk. As such, the MRTA Executive Committee held a virtual meeting on June 30 th...Read More
Is The New Ultratooth The Ultimate in Dentistry?
For as long as she can remember, Desiree hid her smile. “A few years ago, my best friend posted photos on Facebook from her 50 th birthday party, and I saw my smile and I was just so embarrassed,” Caputo shared. Aesthetics weren’t her only dental problems. “”For years there were gaps in my teeth, they were loose, and my gums were always getting...Read More
Visiting The Doctor From Your Sofa: Discovering Telemedicine
In late April, Mark and his wife Courtney figured they’d kick up their spring cleaning a notch and finally get around to cleaning out the attic. They’d been intending to get around to it since their retirement from teaching in 2018. “And, of course, Mark takes three steps up the ladder, slips, falls, and bruises his knee,” remembers Courtney. They both laughed it...Read More
Public Educator Pensions Build Strong Missouri Communities
Dear Supporters of Public Education: For the past several years MRTA has been very successful in defending the PSRS/PEERS system in the legislature. The threats to your pension are real. The Show-Me Institute spends millions of dollars misleading the public and legislators each year. If the Show-Me Institute has their way teachers would be put into a 401(k) system...Read More