
About MRTA

Missouri Retired Teachers Association (MRTA) was organized in December 1960 by 11 retired teachers meeting at the Governor Hotel in Jefferson City. Five school systems represented were: St. Louis City, St. Louis County, Columbia, Lebanon and Springfield. Thomas E. Babb of Springfield was elected the first President. Today we have nearly 30,000 members.

A constitution was drawn and approved by the initial members. Mr. Huntington of St. Louis presided.

The Retired Teachers Association of Missouri is an association of retired educators whose purpose is to promote the professional, social, and economic welfare of all retired school employees.


Membership shall be open to retired teachers of public, private and parochial schools, administrators, supervisors, retired school employees, non-certificated personnel who have worked in educational programs, governesses and tutors. Spouses of members, active teachers and others interested in education may become associate members without the right to vote, hold office or represent the Association.


Dues for active, associate and life members shall be determined by the Assembly of Delegates upon the recommendation of the Executive Board. The fiscal year for MRTA begins January 1 and ends December 31. Renewals of membership are due upon receipt of notice in October of every year.  New members paying dues after May 1 may regard their dues paid through the next calendar fiscal year.

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