Unit Leadership Summit

Please join us! Please make plans to join us at as MRTA celebrates our 65th anniversary and our monumental victory in Washington D.C. with the repeal of WEP/GPO! This meeting will be presided by MRTA President Dr. Gale “Hap” Hairston and will feature several dynamic and engaging speakers, as well as some fun activities and even some time to socialize. Click here to register online.

The Details

All MRTA members are invited to attend but anyone in leadership on MRTA unit, regional, or state levels is highly encouraged to attend. 


A *$55 nonrefundable registration fee must accompany each Summit registration, or you may submit a NEW  MEMBER $44 membership with your Summit registration form.  

*Discount - Early Bird Registration is $44 and includes a goody bag for all attendees. To qualify for the discount, you must register by February 28th.

Deadline for Summit Registration - March 15th.


Light refreshments will be provided at all times.
Lunch will be served at noon on March 19th.
Legislative Dinner on the evening of March 19th with reception to follow. 
Breakfast will be provided on March 20th.
Lunch will be provided on March 20th.


To expedite the registration process, attendees must book their hotel accommodations.  Lodging can be reserved by calling 573-442-6400 using code 25MRTA.

Deadline for Lodging Requests - February 14th.   Lodging cannot be guaranteed after this date.  Please be aware we are opening up the opportunity for lodging to all MRTA members on February 3rd. 
Book your reservation early.

Expense Reimbursement 

Per MRTA Board Policy, we will only reimburse attendees who are currently paid MRTA members.

MRTA will reimburse approved attendees for one night of lodging per Unit or per Board Member and 27.5 cents per mile for three or more attendees per car OR provide a gas receipt.  Carpooling is encouraged and will be coordinated by your Regional Vice President.

You will receive an expense reimbursement form at the Summit.

 Legislative Dinner - March 19 

If you would like to join us only for the Legislative Dinner event on the evening of Wednesday, March 19th, the cost is $20.  Please call the office at 573-634-4300 or mail a check for $20 along with a note indicating your intent to MRTA - 3030 DuPont Circle, Jefferson City, MO  65109

©2024 Missouri Retired Teachers Association. All Rights Reserved.