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Latest News

Dear Members of MRTA:

The Senate has adjourned for the week.   NO ACTION WAS TAKEN ON SS/SCS/SB/806 - Teacher Tenure OR SCS/SB/842 - PSRS/PEERS Board of Trustee Takeover.

You have done a very, very good job in contacting your Senator.  MRTA believes these pieces of legislation were not taken up because there were not enough votes for final passage in the Senate.  It takes 18 votes to pass a bill out of the Senate.  Click here for the latest poll of the Missouri Senate to see where your Senator stands as of today.  Again, a final vote has not been taken.  Of course, the fight is not over.  If you have not yet written or e-mailed your Senator asking for opposition to SB 806 and SB 842, it is not too late and would be very much appreciated.  I am extremely proud of you MRTA!  THE WORLD IS RUN BY THOSE WHO SHOW UP!

One last note:  If you have not renewed your MRTA membership for 2012 you received a request to do so Monday.  MRTA and your fellow colleagues are working hard for you as is evident in this correspondence.  Please click here and read an appeal from MRTA Vice President Barbara Self to be counted and join MRTA.  A GOAT?

Please stay tuned as the Legislative Session does not end until 6:00 pm, May 18th. 

THANK YOU for being counted as a member of MRTA. Your membership will make a difference in the lives of many. 

MRTA is the Association of Retired Education Professionals and Missouri's Public Pension Experts!


Jim Kreider
MRTA Executive Director

©2023 Missouri Retired Teachers Association. All Rights Reserved.