Finding Success in Failed New Year's Resolutions

We don’t like to think about failure. We really want to believe that this is the year that we stick to our diet, get to the gym every day, or quit smoking. Each year, we make New Year's resolutions with a renewed sense of hope. But if changing habits was easy, there would be no need to set resolutions. You’ll probably slip at some point - and that’s OK . Failures can...
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The AMBA Story: Here To Serve Members Like You

Association Member Benefits Advisors, or AMBA, may not be a name you’re familiar with yet, but may play an important role in your life already. AMBA's services and benefits have been helping association members like you for over 65 years. AMBA discovered its mission when realizing hard-working educators lose many essential benefits when they retire and wanted to make sure retirees had...
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Travel the World with AMBA Passport and Road Scholar

Planning to make 2022 the year you travel the world and discover new adventures and interests? AMBA Passport is here to help with a special offer with our partner Road Scholar! What Is Road Scholar? Not-for-profit Road Scholar is the world’s largest and most innovative creator of experiential learning opportunities. They offer 5,500 educational tours in all 50 states and 150...
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Stem Cells Could Get to the Root of One of Dental Care’s Greatest Problems

Scientists are working on a new solution that could bring another revolution to dentistry and make implants a thing of the past. Researchers asked a very simple question: why are some species able to reproduce teeth, while humans only get two sets of teeth – our baby and adult teeth. Sharks, for instance, can replace teeth in just a few weeks. Working with that premise,...
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